I Call Bull****

Hi, I'm Lucy Oakley-Denver and I founded We Are The Antidote to provide an accessible antidote to the stress in our lives.

We live in an age where there is one definition of success, one way to be, one way to look and one way to lead. Cerebral intelligence and ruthlessly striving to get to the top are prized above all things. Our great, modern thinkers tell us that action, logic and perseverance are the ONLY way - and the ends are celebrated so completely, almost any means become justified once you reach the hallowed halls of fame, fortune and social status. Just take a look on any social media platform and you’ll see it play out time and time again.

I call bull****.

Why? And what gives me the right to think that I can disagree with those at the top?

For starters, I spent 7 years in British Intelligence. I can analyse, reason out, persevere and take action with the best of them.

But I also experienced - and still see in our leaders every day - the damage this does and where it is leading our society. The shutting down of debate, differences and conversation. The division, tensions and anger that seems to be bubbling just under the surface in densely-populated areas (both online and in real life). The current nature of leadership - dismissive of anything that cannot be heavily evidenced or data-driven to produce a particular result - has resulted in an entire subset of our own intelligence being completely written off. There’s nothing inherently wrong with masculine intelligence traits - logic, action, perseverance et al - but it only works with a maximum of 33% of your total intelligence. So you’re capping yourself at AT LEAST 66% BELOW your potential. At least. And that’s if you’re got it all dialled in, 100% of the time. Not great odds, right?

So - how do we access this other 66%? Is it easy? Can anyone do it?

It isn’t easy, because it takes consistent commitment and that is hard. We’re not set up to support it easily anymore (too many distractions/too much choice/too many shortcuts being sold to us). BUT yes, anyone can do it because we all have the two things this other 66% needs to access it: the breath and the body. It’s literally not rocket science; it’s the Antidotal Intelligence encoded in our DNA.

We Are The Antidote was set up on the principle of: "just go for a run and you'll feel better" - because on a binary level I knew it did - but I also knew there was SO much more to it than that. Fast forward a decade and I have documented wisdom dating back 1000s of years, back to when we looked to our bodies for answers and valued the Antidotal Intelligence they held. Health wasn't separated into physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. It's all the same thing: you can't have one without the other. You can fake it, but you can't have it for real. Some influencers and occasional media outlets have some understanding that better physical health equals better mental health, but it is so surface-level and comes with no understanding of the how and why - the connection to our DNA and the importance of the breath - that its impact on sustainable health, happiness, success etc is incredibly limited. The ripple effect of working with your Antidotal Intelligence is so widespread, there isn’t an area of your life where its positive impact won’t be felt. My mission is to empower YOU with the knowledge, the tools, the understanding and the confidence to antidote for yourself. Until you no longer need an antidote, and all of this wisdom and these tools just boost your potential higher and higher.

Am I dissing cerebral intelligence? Am I saying these big thinkers and detailed talkers don’t know what they’re on about?

Absolutely not, but I am saying there’s a lot more to it than common discourse would suggest. It isn’t considered because Antidotal Intelligence - the wisdom held in the body - requires freedom, flexibility, flow and compassion to have a seat at the decision-making table. Those seats are currently occupied by power, control and greed: all corrupted traits of the ‘divine masculine’ (action, logic, perseverance). Neither men nor women with a healthy dose of Antidotal Intelligence - ‘divine feminine’ traits - are able to thrive and lead as themselves in the workplace and most have had to shun and bury it over the years to get to the top. This is well-evidenced if you care to look.

So the mind is a wonderful place but we also know that it is incredibly unruly - all those ‘what-ifs’ and fear-driven loops that cause you stress and make you lose sleep and yet are used to analyse and evidence and make every decision (and that’s before we get started on big data and the other kind of AI). Conversely, our DNA is completely, neutrally, at peace. When you tap into it your persona in all of its creative, innovative and inspiring glory can shine through. Oh, and working with your cellular health in this way means you also learn to respect your body - properly respect it - so you get healthier, fitter, leaner and all of that good stuff too. Bonus.

In buzzwords: Antidotal Intelligence makes you more resilient, more productive, have better boundaries, feel happier, healthier and be a better leader. You can even learn how to drop the Ego so you stop seeing triggers at every turn and feel the need to defend yourself with aggression, sarcasm or pass-agg vibes.

If this was a drug being rolled out by Big Pharma, everyone would want it.

It takes some work and some commitment, but once you’re on board with it you have an entire new set of wisdom to lean on. If you’re already smashing the gym, the 1% better every day, the sobriety, the ‘hard work pays off’ mentality…this will take you to a WHOLE new level. If you’re fed up with feeling not enough, diminished, anxious, like your don’t have a voice, burned out or just DONE, I know this will change all of that for the better.

This is the real deal. Not just another wellbeing programme or pyramid coaching scheme. Work with me and you get the world’s first DNA Breathwork and the world’s only bespoke, scalable wellbeing solution.

In a time when AI is changing the way we live, what’s the one thing it can’t replace? YOU. So what better time to get to know you in all your unrivalled power and potential?


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