I’ve worked with some incredible humans. Here’s just a snippet of what some of them have said about me.

  • Matt, British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6)

    “The most impressive person I have observed at GCHQ, in the face of some real challenges. Her rapid progression is nothing short of inspirational…Lucy’s output is extremely high.”

  • Tiffany Gumbrell, Partnerships Director, Gay Times

    “Every brand needs a Lucy.”

  • John Beardsworth, Partner, MediaCom

    “The bravest client we’ve ever had.”

  • Rebecca, The Wellbeing Circuit client

    “I’m currently learning the processes to eliminate stress, anxiety, low self-esteem and more. 10,000,000% recommended! You and your wellbeing is important, make it a priority!”

  • Esther Walker


    Esther has been a beautiful friend for many years now and we have embarked on our spiritual journeys to realising our true purpose and true Selves over the past few years.


    In this new world that is emerging, there is a calling for businesses to work differently and, at a deeper level, for human beings to be different. For business leaders to understand and explore their own being so that they can live and lead in a completely new way.

    To step away from the fear based structures and systems that have created out of date definitions of success and a robotic concept of leadership that does not serve humanity.

    To stop identifying with the programming that separates the human from the being, the true Self within.

    The art of being, the art of humanity, the art of potentiality, leading to more productivity and more profit does not lie within the systems that have until now sustained a false sense of Self.

    There will be a paradigm movement, there will be a movement of thought process and consciousness because an economic climate will govern it.

    We work independently but can also be brought into businesses in tandem for an even more powerful transformation of the Self and the health of the Self.

  • Julie Anne Hart


    I started working with Julie back in 2020 and it was Julie who opened up my spirit, connected me back to myself and into Great Spirit. She is an incredible teacher and without her help I don’t know how long it would have taken to realise my business and the depths of what I am here to do!


    iChannel Wisdom is a spiritual education platform and community, focused on helping you develop and integrate a spiritual awareness to create inner peace and serenity, even in difficult situations.

    Working with the 5 elements is a spiritual education that will lead you to more self-awareness of your own humanness. Life’s lessons are our earthly education. It Is our real education that comes from what we experience. To be a seeker of our own wisdom which is the real reasoning to our experiences, it often takes a spiritual awakening to change how you perceive what you are experiencing, how to respond, and how to release what simply does not serve you.